Monday, 25 August 2014

Which Country has Best Education System in the World

As we know Education sector is the most important sector in every nation’s prosperity without vast knowledge, research and a proper high level education system there is no way to get progress and a nation without knowledge and technology  can’t sustain here in this world. So The governments always prefers to spend a large and heavy amount of money on this sector. A very famous proverb  ” Knowledge is Power” as it defines clearly that learning is a very powerful tool for a nation to make new discoveries and to lighten the futures of young generations. - See more at:
There are several hurdles in the progress of education systems in third world countries and for this reason they are still backward . from all main aspects for great literacy rate, one of the important factor  is the respect and encouragement of teachers. Teachers should be given much importance and should be treated as valuable asset of the nation, should be given high salaries as well as children get a lot of attention.Without these two factors, an education system of a country can’t become best in the world - See more at:


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