Monday, 25 August 2014

Teacher’s Guide

Tens of thousands of teachers in schools around the globe have embraced the World's Children's Prize as a way to teach their pupils about the rights of the child, democracy and the environment.
The 2014 WCP Program will run from February 5 until 22 October. This year's World's Children's Press Conferences will be held on 28 October.
Millions of participants
There are so far nearly 60,000 Global Friend schools with 29,3 million students in 110 countries. In those schools, there are probably around half a million teachers. You are one of around 50,000 teachers who get involved every year, making it possible for your students to take part in the World’s Children’s Prize. 
  • The primary goal is to contribute to a more humane world, where the rights of the child are respected by all, and where each new generation grows into ’global citizens’. Students at all schools that have registered as Global Friend schools are welcome to participate.


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