Theoretical Precursors
It is impossible to do justice to existing models of education and growth in a few
sentences, but we must identify some key precursors. Early on, Nelson and
Phelps (1966)...
Some Background on Education and Growth
There is ample anecdotal and correlational evidence suggesting that education
and economic growth are related, but the evidence points in a variety of
1 Introduction
Should countries or regions (generically, "states") invest more in education to
promote economic growth? Policy makers often assert that if their...
Women's education in pakistan
Pakistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world. The picture of our educational system and its outcome is grim and bleak. More than 40 percent of girls never...
Which Country has Best Education System in the World
Education is one of the necessities of the humans and, therefore, a prime responsibility and obligation of the states and governments to...